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Chanchal Kashyap
Founder and CEO
"स्वयं अपना उद्धार करे अपना पतन न करे,
क्योंकि आप ही अपना मित्र है और आप ही अपना शत्रु है।"
"Elevate yourself through your own efforts, and not degrade yourself. For, the mind can be the friend and also the enemy of the self."
I have been been student practicing Asthanga Yoga and Hatha Yoga from my early school days.
Chaksh Yog was founded in the year 2019 with aim to provide quality education and practical training in traditional Yoga, Pranayama and Sukshma Vyayama. I am certified Yoga wellness instructor and Yoga protocal intructor from Government of India , Ayush Ministry. The above certification training was done at Moragi Desai National Institute of Yoga , New Delhi.
About: About
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